Saturday, April 21, 2007


Lowry, Lois. THE GIVER. 1993. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers. ISBN 0440219078.

In the community where Jonas lives, everything is perfect. Life is under control. All rules have been established; all roles are assigned. There is no deviation from the customary order of the community.
Birthdays and age are not celebrated since this celebration would single out one individual over the group. Instead, each passing year is celebrating in a community ceremony and a new responsibility and privilege is bestowed on the children as they move toward the Ceremony of Twelve. During that ceremony, children are assigned their adult roles and begin the training for adult life. All balance has been maintained until Jonas is selected for his adult role.
Jonas has been selected to be the new Receiver. This role is respected but is isolated from the community. Jonas will receive all of the memories of life before the Sameness in order to protect the community from pain and hardship and to offer advice to the Committee of Elders. Jonas experiences many pleasurable memories along with many painful memories. He feels the joy of familial love and experiences the horrors of war. He realizes the true nature of the community he calls “home” and wants to change it. He and the Giver, the former Receiver who is giving all of the memories to Jonas create a plan that would force the memories back into the community. The plan is thwarted when Jonas must quickly leave to save the life of a newchild, Gabriel, whom Jonas grown to love. The two escape and after a perilous journey, the two stumble upon what Jonas believes to be music and singing.

THE GIVER is a fantasy novel set in the future. The year and the location are not specified. Its Sameness society is reminiscent of other fantasy utopian societies. The setting is very important to this story. Without the community and the rules, THE GIVER would be less interesting. This society is so much different than anything that exists which makes it intriguing. The reader spends most of the book wondering why the people abide living in this community.
The events of THE GIVER have not happened (hopefully) but it is reasonable to believe that they could. There is a great deal of sadness in the world, and it is reasonable that in the future societies may search out methods of combating the stress and inconvenience of feelings. The community that Lois Lowry created is masterfully planned. All details in the story follow the established rules of the created community. The plot is well constructed and plausible.
The characters are incredible. Most of their traits are observed through actions. The reader cannot see into everyone’s mind. The readers can only see what they do; not interpret what they think.
Jonas’s parents, friends, and neighbors all embrace the community order. This way of life is relaxing for them. It seems that Jonas embraces this way of life until he receives his assignment. But soon, one can sense a foreshadowing change in Jonas as the story progresses toward the climax, Jonas’s decision to escape. Jonas develops incredible personal strength. His fear of his assignment is overtaken by his desire to change the system he considers broken. The Giver knows what he must do so that Jonas can become a successful receiver. Despite his reservations and regrets, he knows his role and submits it (temporarily). The Giver also experiences character growth. He realizes that there is another way to chose. The path set before the pair is not the path they are going to follow.
THE GIVER brings up many interesting topics up for discussion.
Is this type of utopia a positive or a negative place?
Would you want to live there?
When did this society start?
Are they alone on earth?
How do other communities operate?
How does the book end? Is Jonas dead or alive? Where has his journey taken him? Was he successful?
All of these topics could culminate into a discussion about feelings and emotions. The community does not value them as the Giver and Jonas do. Should emotions be valued? They lead to joy and celebration as well as tragedy and anxiety. The author creates two main characters who value emotions- one who does from the “back and back” and one who learns to. This is gradually interwoven into the story. Jonas discovers that the war games that the children play are not fun once he experiences the memory and feeling of war. As Jonas learns to appreciate love, the reader sees why love and family are necessary and how empty the community is due to its emotional void.
Another theme is the value and need for history. The Giver and Jonas are the ones who hold all of the memories. Readers evaluate this idea as they read. Is this the best way for a society to operate? The author gradually leads the readers to the idea that this is not best but not in a preachy or predictable manner. The example of Jonas refusing to play war games due to the true memory of war is an excellent example. The other children had no idea why this was a problem because they had no concept of war. Jonas’s new understanding prevents him from trivializing the “game of war”.
THE GIVER is a fantasy novel that incorporates several fantastical motifs. First, the novel would not be successful without the individual choice Jonas and the Giver made for Jonas to leave and force the memories into the community. Failure surrounds every turn of Jonas’s bike pedals. In fact, the original escape plan of Jonas and the Giver was forsaken when Jonas discovered that the newchild, Gabriel, was about to be released. This was the first failure. Jonas reworks the plan and escapes with Gabriel. The novel ends with the reader unsure if Jonas was living a life in a new community or dying of starvation, exhaustion, and exposure. The reader must decide if they were successful.
THE GIVER also has a special character (ability) that is magic. The Giver’s memory- passing is a magical characteristic. He simply places his hands on Jonas’s back and the memory is transferred from the Giver to the Receiver. Then the Giver has lost the memory to the Receiver. This ability is an unusual magical power, but this reviewer deems it one nevertheless.
THE GIVER is an enthralling literary masterpiece. From start to finish, the reader is swept into a world of order, rules, and control. As the reader sees its flaws, Jonas does also. Together they escape.


Winner of the John Newbery Medal 1994
An ALA Best Book for Young Adults
An ALA Notable Book for Children
Winner of the Regina Medal
BOOKLIST Editors Choice

Other books by Lois Lowry (a few selections)
Anastatia Krupnik Series
Sam Krupnik Series
THE MESSENGER---part of THE GIVER trilogy

Lois Lowry official Website:
Lois Lowry - Author
Author Profile Website:
THE GIVER information:
The Giver - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Activity: Students would create a society that they thought was Utopian. They would explain rules, daily life etc. As the book is read, discuss how what seemed to be perfect was not in reality. After reading, analyze the Utopia they created. Compare student created Utopia with the Sameness in THE GIVER. Analyze the student created Utopia for potential problems.

THE GIVER is being released as a movie in 2007 or 2008. After reading the book, students should cast the characters from the book using various celebrities. Students will create movie posters based on their casting of characters. Reflecting on the assignment for HOLES (analyzing a book and movie), students need to brainstorm a list of what will and won’t be changed when the book transitions into a movie.


Myers, Walter Dean. 1999. MONSTER. New York: Harper Collins Publishers. ISBN 0060280778.

Is Steve Harmon guilty of being a lookout for an armed robbery or in the wrong place at the wrong time? This is the central question in MONSTER. This is the story of the script from trial of Steve Harmon. Steve is a sixteen year old boy who is accused of being the lookout for a robbery that led to the death of the store owner. He is on trial for felony murder. MONSTER follows the prosecution and defense presentations. It also includes many of the thoughts and feelings Steve has as he awaits justice and the verdict. Suspense builds when the other defendant that is on trial with Steve is convicted. However, the jury believes that Steve was uninvolved, and he is freed.

MONSTER is a timely novel. It focuses on the trial of a teen age boy who made some poor choices and discovered the consequences of these choices. Many of the youth of today can relate to either knowing someone or unfortunately being involved in the justice system.
All of the characters are believable and realistic. They have strengths and weaknesses. No one is portrayed as a superhero or as a perfect person. Although at times the attorneys seem to fit into stereotypes, it is the opinion of this reviewer that real people can act like the stereotype they are trying to refute. Steve’s attorney, Ms. O’Brien seems very true to life. She is very business like when she talks to her client. Steve believes that she thinks he is guilty, although she doesn’t ask him. She has a job to do and is doing it, whether she likes it or not.
The main character, Steve, is a very accurate portrayal of a teenager in this situation. He tries to be brave and cool for the crowd but in his thoughts, writings and interactions with his parents the reader sees his fear and insecurity. He is a likeable and interesting character. Although he stands accused of serious crime, this reader couldn’t wait to read if he had been acquitted and would have been upset if he hadn’t. Once he has been freed, Steve makes a movie of this series of events. Steve endured a great deal and seems to have grown up and matured. While he has changed, it seems that the way others view him has changed also. His relationship with his parents has been altered. Steve comments that his parents don’t understand the films he makes. He is using the films to be introspective and analyze who he is.
Since the book was written from his point of view, he is a sympathetic character that one believes in. This reviewer wonders if the book was written from a different point of view, for example from the other defendant, if we’d have a different opinion of Steve Harmon.
The plot makes for a good story. There is a logical series of events that are presented using a flashback format and dialogue. The events are true to life. This story could happen—and probably has and will. As the story builds, things become very tense and suspenseful. The climax of the story comes during the closing arguments. This reader did not know what way the verdict was going to go. There were several times that this reader was tempted to read the end since the author did such an excellent job of building action and not being predictable. The ending was optimistic. Steve is acquitted and seems to have developed into a more mature individual.
The setting of this story is not pivotal to the success of this story. This story is set in New York. The year is not specified. Despite the location specificity, it is not a key to the case. It is only mentioned briefly. The author wants the reader to not associate this story but just New York. This story could happen in any area where children chose to make friends with interesting characters.
The topic of this story is relevant to today’s teens. The characters and dialogue avoid didacticism. There are many times when the author could have included a lecture from a mature adult character relaying a string of clichés about the company one keeps or about poor decision making. There are none. There is no reference to “If all your friends jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you?” There are no trite and pat answers. All Steve learns is from himself, not the words he heard on an after school special.
The style that this story is written in is very inventive. It is written as a screenplay with camera, lighting and other filming cues. This text is written in a moderately large and dull font. It is very simplistic and legal looking. Intermittently, there are segments of writing that look like personal writings. These pages of personal writings seem to be on a slightly grayed piece of paper, as if they have been photocopied from a journal and included. The dialogue between the characters is very natural and flowing.
MONSTER is an excellent and quick read. The action and events drive the reader toward to the end, as the events of an actual court case would.


Winner of the Michael L. Printz Award -- 2000
HORN BOOK Honor Book
From Kirkus Reviews: “The format of this taut and moving drama forcefully regulates the pacing; breathless, edge-of-the-seat courtroom scenes written entirely in dialogue alternate with thoughtful, introspective journal entries that offer a sense of Steve's terror and confusion…”
From SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL: “Monster will challenge readers with difficult questions, to which there are no definitive answers…. Monster lends itself well to classroom or group discussion. It's an emotionally charged story that readers will find compelling and disturbing.”

Informational Website:
Walter Dean Myers - Monster
Lesson Plans and Discussion questions:
HarperCollins Kids Teachers' Guides Monster and Scorpion
Author Profile: -- Author Profile: Walter Dean Myers

Reenact scenes from the book as a Reader’s Theatre with a Mock Trial twist:
Students would be assigned roles to play. Each would research the background of the job (for example defense attorney). Students would present this to history and government classes. The students in the other class would serve as the jury. At the end of the reenactment, the jury would present a verdict. Students would need to read MONSTER to find out Steve Harmon’s fate.


Sachar, Louis. 1998. HOLES. New York: Scholastic Inc. ISBN 0439128455.

Camp Green Lake is a camp for bad boys. Each incarcerated camper digs a hole 5 feet wide by 5 feet deep. This camp is “not Girl Scout Camp”. Everyday campers stay out in the hot desert sun until his hole is completed. Blisters, exhaustion, thirst, and filth fill the boys’ lives.
Stanley Yelnats is wrongly convicted of stealing shoes from a homeless shelter’s auction. He selects Camp Green Lake instead of jail because he had never been to camp before. Stanley’s days are full of rules and hard work. The boys in his group are a colorful array of characters. Each one has a nickname. Stanley’s nickname is Caveman. He strikes a deal with a fellow camper named Zero. He’ll teach Zero to read, and Zero will help Stanley dig his daily hole. When some of the other group members get jealous, a fight breaks out and the Warden discovers that Stanley has not been digging all of his own holes. Zero runs away and his files are destroyed so that there is no record of him.
Stanley’s concern for Zero causes him to attempt to steal a water truck and to run away into the desert to find Zero. Stanley finds Zero using the words of his Great Grandfather “I found refuge on God’s thumb,” to save himself and Zero from certain death.
When Stanley and Zero decide to return to camp, a great change is waiting for them. It was proven that Stanley was innocent of taking the shoes so he was released. The Warden’s true purpose in digging holes, to find ancient treasure, was revealed, and the camp was closed down. Ancient treasure, a suitcase, was found but it belonged to Stanley’s great grandfather. The family retained all of the items in the suitcase and became millionaires. The records for Zero had been destroyed so he was released also.
An ancient curse that had been placed on his family had been lifted by Stanley’s helping Zero so Stanley’s father made the breakthrough discovery he needed to become a successful inventor.

HOLES is a Newbery Award winning book and a major motion picture. It is not surprising. The characters, plot, setting, theme, and style work remarkably well and create a fantastic realistic journey into Stanley Yelnats pitiful life.
The characters in Holes are believable people. This reviewer has had students similar to the boys at Camp Green Lake. They are a likeable crew of people who make poor decisions. Each of the boys has strengths and weaknesses. These traits are revealed through action and dialogue. The main character, Stanley, experiences tremendous character growth while at Camp Green Lake. His development is physical and mental. When he arrives, he is a chubby boy who has been bullied and lacks confidence. Digging holes everyday builds Stanley’s physical strength and his stamina. He begins to teach Zero, another inmate, to read and develops stronger empathy and learns about friendship.
The guards at the camp are not stereotypical “prison guards”. They are not cruel for any reason. They are in control and withhold water at times but overall they are portrayed as ruthless.
HOLES is an enjoyable and entertaining book. The story is original and fun. The plot was described by one reviewer as a “Wild jigsaw puzzle”. This is an adept description. The storyline seems very basic. Stanley is convicted of stealing shoes so he must serve his time at a boys’ camp. The plot follows a logical series of events. Interspersed with these events are tales from the Stanley’s family’s past. Stanley’s great grandfather was robbed and left for dead in the desert by a famous outlaw, Kate Barlow. The tales that are mingled in are of Kate Barlow. They explain why she became a bandit; they also relate why the boys must dig holes and provide inspiration for Stanley’s survival in the desert—although this is not clear until the end of the story.
The setting of the story is at a camp in the desert. The time of the story is unstated. One would assume by the vocabulary that this story is set in recent times. There are no “old time” phrases that are used. The language is current. The story transcends the setting. This story could take place in any time period but it would need to take place in a desolate type of location for the escape and return to camp to be meaningful.
The theme is relevant to today’s youth. Detention camps are the “wave of the juvenile justice future.” There have been many talk show programs devoted to visiting or staying in such camps. They are part of the vocabulary of today’s society.
As the story progresses, Stanley develops a physical strength and mental confidence he never had previously. This growth is shown through his actions with Zero. The lessons learned are not forced onto the reader. But rather, they are presented for the reader to draw conclusions about.
The style of the book is very straightforward and interesting. The chapters are short, which makes them easy for most readers to manage. The dialogue is natural and realistic. Although the details of the boys’ incarceration at Camp Green Lake are not detailed, their actions relay that they can still be hot tempered and irrational—for example the fight between Zigzag, Stanley, and Zero. This leads the reader to not be preoccupied with past transgressions but with the present actions.
As I was reading the story, I enjoyed the interjected information about the Stanley’s family’s past and the past history of Camp Green Lake. At first I was not sure how it fit into the story other than being interesting family history. In Stanley’s family, all of the bad luck his family endures is attributed to a “no-good dirty rotten pig stealing great great grandfather.” His misadventures and the events of other members of the Yelnats family are presented. When Mr. Sachar began to relay the tale of Kate Barlow I was intrigued but confused as to how it fit in. Continue reading! By the end of the tale, a large smile was seen on this reader’s face as the entire puzzle fell into place. This was an excellent writing technique.
Overall HOLES is an excellent book. It is inventive and exhilarating.


Winner of John Newbery Medal
Starred review in PUBLISHERS WEEKLY
Starred review in HORN BOOK
KIRKUS REVIEWS “A rugged, engrossing adventure.”
THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW “Wildly inventive….a smart jigsaw puzzle of a novel.”

Louis Sachar — Holes—The Book
Louis Sachar — Children's Author — Home Page

Juvenile Detention Centers:
Youth detention center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Other selected books by Louis Sachar:
The Wayside School series
The Marvin Redpost series

Activity: Read the book HOLES. Watch the movie HOLES. Compare and contrast the two. Analyze the differences. Why do they think that Hollywood producers made those changes?

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Avi. 2002. CRISPIN. New York: Hyperion Books for Children. ISBN 0786826479.

To his knowledge, he was born “Asta’s son”—no proper name or identity. He and his mother were trapped in a life of poverty and servitude. When his mother dies, Crispin’s life is torn apart. He is declared a “wolf’s head” by the village steward for crimes he did not commit. A wolf’s head is a person who is no longer considered human and can be killed on sight. All he has ever known is questioned. The priest who promises an explanation is killed, Crispin stands accused, and the chase is on.
Following this turn of events, Crispin escapes into the arms of an unlikely hero named Bear. Bear forces Crispin to be his servant but trains him, and the two form a special relationship. As the two enter the village of Great Wexly there is a foreboding feeling. While Bear meets and plans a peasant revolution, Crispin learns about the city and about his true heritage and identity. Crispin is the son of the Lord of the villages. His would be captors have located him in the city and capture Bear in an effort to lure Crispin out of hiding so that one of the rightful heirs of Lord Furnival’s estate could be disposed of. Crispin cleverly barters with the Steward for the life of Bear and for their safe escape into anonymity. The Steward encourages the townspeople to kill Crispin. When they do not, his attempt to take matters into his own hands leads to his own death. Crispin and Bear walk out of the village and into the countryside of England.

CRISPIN is a coming of age, adventure story. Crispin is a thirteen year old boy who has not had a true identity his entire life. He has been referred to as “Asta’s Son”. His mother’s death thrusts him into new realms and he learns about his own strength and abilities. This makes it easy for the reader to relate to Crispin. Although all young people have a name they are identified by, how many truly feel like they have no name just “_____’s son/daughter.” A profound change may not happen in all young people’s lives to force them to become more independent; small changes can be just as great an impact. The life Crispin lead with his mother and the life he sees many of the people he encounters is true to the details known about the 14th century. The poverty and chasm between the haves and the have not’s are historical aspects of that time period. One learns about the future planning of a peasant revolt. But this planning does not overshadow the main action in the book.
The language used is historical but not true Old English. The vocabulary is not contemporary but this book does not read in English from a Shakespearian play. Avi wanted the book to have credibility and authenticity by using certain vocabulary words for example “lad” when referring to a boy. However, he did not want his young readers to be turned off or unable to understand the story due to use of Old English.
The plot of the story is filled with adventure. The reader is not laden with details about feelings and descriptions. One must use the events and actions of the characters to infer traits and other information about the characters. This keeps the text fast-paced. The only twist in the plot is that Crispin is a son of Lord Furnival. However, there is a great deal of foreshadowing for this discovery throughout the book.
The story is set in 14th century England. The villages’ names sound authentic. Stromford and Great Wexly do not sound like town names from recent American communities. The class system that is established at the start of the book is very true to the time period. The clothing described is also an important aspect of historical accuracy.
In conclusion, this book creates a simple picture of life in the 14th century while following the adventure and mystery of a young boy’s birthright and identity. The only suggestion this reviewer has is that “historical maps” of the travels of Crispin and Bear could have been helpful in following the action and understanding why it took so many days to travel to certain locations on foot.

Winner of John Newberry Medal 2002

From PUBLISHER’S WEEKLY “Avi's plot is engineered for maximum thrills, with twists, turns and treachery aplenty, but it's the compellingly drawn relationship between Crispin and Bear that provides the heart of this story. A page turner to delight Avi's fans, it will leave readers hoping for a sequel.”

From SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL: “Avi has done an excellent job of integrating background and historical information, of pacing the plot so that the book is a page-turner from beginning to end, and of creating characters for whom readers will have great empathy. The result is a meticulously crafted story, full of adventure, mystery, and action.”

Avi website

Information about the 14th Century
14th century: Information from
14th century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Crispin – Information and Teaching Resources
Newbery Medal winner - Crispin: the Cross of Lead by Avi, Integrated Curriculum from Kids' Wings

Peasants’ Revolt of 1381
Britannia: Sources of British History

Black Death –information
The Black Death: Bubonic Plague
Black Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Stanley, Diane. 1996. LEONARDO DA VINCI. New York: Morrow Junior Books. ISBN 068810438

In 1452 the world welcomed Leonardo da Vinci. He was born to a peasant woman and an educated and influential man. His illegitimacy kept him from pursuing a life similar to his father’s so he apprenticed at an artist’s workshop. He spent much of his life searching for a patron whom he could work for and who would support his endeavors. As Leonardo grew into a man and into old age, his experimentation with artistic forms and invention was enlightening and frustrating. He often lost support from the patrons, the church, and other sources due to his nonconformity to tradition.
Not only was Leonardo an artist but he was an observer of the natural world also. He filled journals with drawings of the human body and of his other natural observations for example flight of birds. Many of these observations led to inventions. Although he ventured into many arenas, he always returned to art. After a monetary struggle with his half brothers and sisters following his father’s death, Leonardo found a wonderful patron who revered and respected him. Leonardo spent the last years of his life doing what he loved and bearing the respect and admiration he had sought. He died in 1519 surrounded by admirers.

Quality biographies are supposed to present a person’s life in an accurate and objective manner. Accomplishments as well as failures and faults should be presented so that the subject is seen as a real person and not an idealized icon. Leonardo da Vinci was a revolutionary genius. He changed the face of art and science. He created countless inventions such as underwater breathing apparatus, a posthole digger, a submarine, and pliers. He experimented with new artistic techniques such as chiaroscuro, which is the use of light and dark shadows. However, he was not a perfect man. He did not complete a large proportion of the works he started. Leonardo was stubborn and inflexible. He and Michelangelo had a bitter feud going between them. All of this information is woven together to create an accurate but not sugar coated tapestry of Leonardo da Vinci’s life.
The author, Diane Stanley, is well respected in the field of biography authorship. She is a recipient of the Washington Post / Children’s Book Guild Nonfiction award. The text she writes can be trusted. She uses basic but not oversimplified vocabulary. She does not attempt to impress readers with fancy words but she does not simplify information for young readers. Ms. Stanley does not assume that the reader needs to be talked down to. Definitions and context clues are provided for clarification for all readers. This respect for the reader encourages further investigation and curiosity. What would one need to read more about if all of the terminology was simple and already understood?
The book follows Leonardo’s life chronologically. There is a clear sequence of events. The illustrations used have a classical appeal. They look as though they were painted by a Renaissance painter. The illustration on page 13 is an excellent example. This illustration includes the characters from Leonardo’s life as well as a painting by Leonardo. One can see definite similarities in the facial features and style. Vibrant colors and precise detail make the illustrations and the text come alive. Above each passage of text is a small illustration that appears to be a replication of a drawing from one of da Vinci’s notebooks. The yellowed paper and pencil outlines were an excellent selection.
Overall this is an excellent biography. The author is well respected, so one can rely on the information presented. The illustrations complement the text magnificently. Readers learn about all of Leonardo’s great many deeds and some of his less exemplary moments. All people have them. It is refreshing to see that a genius like Leonardo and this reviewer have something in common: faults.
Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for Children
BOSTON GLOBE-Horn Book: Award Honor Book for Nonfiction
ALA Notable Book
BOOKLIST’s Editor’s Choice

Diane Stanley website
Diane Stanley - Books for Children

Biographical information about Leonardo Da Vinci
Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum, searchable database of European fine arts (1100-1850)
Leonardo da Vinci: Biography and Much More from

Students will read another biography of Leonardo Da Vinci. They will compare and contrast the information presented in both texts.

Students will create an illustrated timeline of the major events of Da Vinci’s life.

Students will create a work of art using a method used or attempted by Da Vinci.

Students will have an Inventors’ fair. Students will solicite other students in the school to invent items to be judged on potential contribution. Student hosts will recreate several of Da Vinci’s inventions for a display at the Inventors’ Fair.


Curtis, Christopher Paul. 1999. BUD, NOT BUDDY. New York: Scholastic. ISBN 0439221889.

Bud Caldwell is a young orphan trapped in the foster care system of the 1930s. He is placed with a family with a mean spirited son who is the apple of his momma’s eye. Bud runs away when he is subjected to multiple beatings, pencils up the nose, and other humiliations. He strikes out at first with plans of heading to Chicago with a new found friend.
However, fate has another idea. He misses the train so he changes course and pursues the path to his father. Bud follows the only clue his mother left for him about the identity of his father—an old flyer for Herman E. Calloway and the Dusky Devastators of the Depression. He meets a string of helpful strangers who become a network of family helping Bud reach his final destination: the doorstep of Herman E. Calloway. When he finds Herman, he is surprised at the gruff old man he sees. The rest of the members of his new band, The Nubian Knights, welcome Bud and begin to teach him to play an instrument for the band. Bud had found the family he wanted but still has not connected with the man he believes is his father.
In a heartwarming climax, the truth about why Bud had come and the truth about how he and Mr. Calloway are related are revealed. Bud is his grandson! Bud becomes a permanent member of the household and of the band.

BUD, NOT BUDDY is an excellent historical fiction novel. Christopher Paul Curtis depicts a realistic view of life for African American people in the 1930s without delving too deeply into the institutionalized racism so prevalent at the time. Mr. Curtis uses appropriate time period language. No one says the words “dis” or refers to friends as “homeboys” but he also steers clear of rampant use of the “nig***” that was common in vernacular at the time. Race relations were not the theme of the story so that was not included to muddle the tale of a boy finding the family he craved.
Bud Caldwell is a character easy to identify with. He is likeable and happy. He wants to find a family where he can share and where he belongs. The reader does feel sympathy for the young orphan abused in foster homes and no connection to anything or anyone. However, Bud does not rely on sympathy or pity. He is resourceful and clever. As Bud comes upon individuals and events, he shares insights from his self written memoir “Bud Caldwell’s Rules and Things to make a funner life and make a better liar out of yourself.” Many of the rules are easy for readers to relate with. For example Rules and Things number 3 states “If you go to tell a lie, make sure it is simple and easy to remember.” Anyone who has been caught in a lie will know the lecture that says that lies are get bigger and bigger, spin out of control and become difficult to remember. Bud must have had that some lecture and is attempting to share his wisdom. It is a true statement.
Readers are not overburdened with a complex array of characters or plot twists. This story is of Bud’s travels. Along the way, he meets many interesting and generous people but they do not become so instrumental in the story that the reader gets confused.
The most integral part of the historical fiction book is the setting. This book is set in the 1930s in the northern United States, Michigan. The reader learns about the labor unions that were being developed and about the popularity of jazz. This is all of the historical data readers gather. This does not become a list of facts. Cars are a transportation mode but trains are just as popular in this time period. Bud attempts to use a train to begin his adventure, but ends up using car transportation. Bud does not mention flying in a rocket or riding on horseback. Both would not fit into this setting.
I listened to BUD NOT BUDDY on an unabridged audiocassette format. Because it was unabridged and followed the text verbatim, this adaptation was true to all of the aspects one looks for in historical fiction. There were no omissions.
There were 3 tapes that lasted a total of 3 hours and 38 minutes. The cassettes arrived to me from my school district’s Instructional Resource Center is a blue tattered box. The box’s cover looks very similar to the cover of the actual book. I could tell that this audiobook had been well circulated. Its tattered cover and bent plastic showed how much it has been loved.
The story is read by actor James Avery. He is noted for many roles. Most recently he portrayed the father on the “Fresh Prince of Bel Air”, which airs nightly on Nickelodeon. He is the only reader. His voice is very crisp and clear. Word quality and pronunciation is fantastic. Despite the age and use the tapes have seen, there was no background noise or static to be heard. He read the entire book cover to cover and read the epilogue at the end of the story as well. Despite the fact that Mr. Avery is a grown adult man, he does an excellent job making his voice sound younger, to match the character of Bud. He does not change his voice dramatically when different characters are speaking. He uses pauses and rate of speech to reveal that new characters are talking. For example, he does not talk in a squeaky voice to show when a female is speaking. Musical effects are included in the reading. The book is set in the era of Jazz, and Bud becomes a member of a jazz band at the end of the book. Jazz music is infused into the middle of a few chapters and at the end of most chapters at the end of the book. The music becomes a large part of the audiocassette and reading as it becomes a larger part of Bud’s life.
I would highly recommend listening to BUD NOT BUDDY. The book is funny and entertaining. But hearing a voice that seems to match Bud and “hearing” his story is very absorbing. I read along with the audiocassette. This was helpful but not required. In an experiment, there were chapters that I did not follow along with. There was no loss of comprehension or connection to the story. I listened to this book along with my class of 28 7th graders. They found it equally as entertaining. They’d dance in their chairs to the jazz music. They’d ask every day if we were going to hear more of the book. They were disappointed because some other classroom activities were interfering with our completion of the book. They were hooked! I thoroughly enjoyed BUD NOT BUDDY. Listening to the book enhanced the experience of this literary classic.

Winner of John Newberry Medal 2000
Coretta Scott King Award 2000
ALA Notable Children’s Books
ALA Best Book for Young Adults
PUBLISHER’S WEEKLY Best Book of the Year

Christopher Paul Curtis –Author biography
Christopher Paul Curtis: Information from

Great Depression information
The Main Causes of the Great Depression
The Great Depression and The New Deal

ART ACTIVITY: By the end of the novel, Bud is being groomed to become a band member. Design a flyer for Bud's opening night with Calloway's Band. Give the band a new name in honor of Bud.

History: Students will read books and online resources about The Great Depression, Jazz musicians in the 1910’s, or Labor Unions. Students will share the information with classmates by creating a 10 slide powerpoint presentation.