Saturday, May 3, 2008

Module 8: Michaelangelo

Stanley, Diane. 2000. Michaelangelo. New York: Harper Collings Publisher. ISBN: 0-688-15086-1.

Michaelangelo loved sculpture from an early age. While apprenticing as a sculptor, a course of events lead Michaelangelo into the de’ Medici family. This is where he received this education and many of the contacts that carried him through the rest of his life. Michaelangelo was commissioned by many popes and leaders of the time. Some of his decisions proved to be wise, and others did not. His painting of the Sistine Chapel, first designed to be a form of punishment, proved to increase his fame and popularity. Despite the painting’s success, Michaelangelo was a sculptor at heart, and he continued to sculpt under varying circumstances until his death in 1564. Diane Stanley’s biography of this famed artist is complete and honest. The text details many aspects of his personal and professional life. Events are not glossed over. The reader sees this master’s faults and triumphs. Ms. Stanley included a detailed author’s note prior to the text. It serves as an excellent introduction. A comprehensive bibliography is included at the book’s conclusion. The illustrations profoundly compliment the text. The rich detail and color seem to come to breath and bring this amazing story to life.

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