Saturday, January 26, 2008

Module 1: Are you my mother?

Eastman, P.D. 1960. Are you my Mother? Illus. by author. Beginner Books: New York. ISBN 679-84480-5.
PreS – Gr 2 – This classic tale of a newly hatched bird searching for his mother continues to captivate young readers. As the young bird travels outside the comfort of his own nest, his tenacity and determination are admirable. As he roams, he asks many animals and inanimate objects if s/he or it is his mother. He doesn’t judge by appearances. He assumes that anyone or anything could possibly be his mother. He has not set limitations on himself or his quest. He has a goal of finding his mother. Nothing is going to hinder him.
The repetitive text provides comfort and confidence for young readers. This could be a book that is first read to a child. The pattern and cadence of the text will lend itself to this being a book a child could read independently with ease as s/he develops into a fluent reader.
The illustrations are simplistic. However, they match the simplicity of the text and provide the early reader with only images that s/he needs to decipher the text. There is little superfluous imagery. The pictures match the text presented. This illustrative support will also aid young readers. This tale is a must have for every library collection.

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