Saturday, January 26, 2008

Module 1: My Librarian is a Camel

Ruurs, Margriet. 2005. My Librarian is a Camel. Boyds Mills Press: Honesdale, PA. ISBN 1-59078-093-0.
Gr 2 – 5 -- Libraries are often thought and defined as buildings that contain books and other materials. This book creates a new definition for the terms library and librarian.
This informational book profiles the efforts of individuals in thirteen different countries to bring books and library services to areas that do not have traditional library buildings.
Each two page profile contains brief background information about the area and detailed information about the non-traditional library access provided to that area.
The introduction sets the proper mood for the reader. The author shares her motivation for writing the book and the inspiration she found upon its completion. If the title left any confusion in the reader’s mind, the introduction will clarify the intent.
Photographs of the people of each country and of the country’s library experience illustrate the text effectively. They put a real face on the information presented. Readers learn about library camels of Kenya and see pictures of the people as well as the camels embarking on a library journey. In addition to the photographs, geographical information, a map, and a flag accompany each country’s library profile.
The text provides a great deal of information in a small amount of space but is not dry or overpowering. Young readers could easily tackle this book and find success and inspiration. However, it does not talk down to readers, so older readers will not feel juvenile for reading this text. This book would be an excellent tool to use to discuss the value of books and literacy. Libraries are not readily available everywhere in the world. This eye opening book shows the great importance and value placed on books and literacy.

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