Saturday, February 9, 2008

Module 2: Goldilocks & the Three Bears

Aylesworth, Jim. 2003. Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Illus. by Barbara McClintock. Scholastic Press: New York. ISBN: 0-439-39545-3.

Readers will find this traditional tale of a curious little girl and her adventure with three bears refreshing. Aylesworth’s text is detailed and reminds the reader of lesson to be learned from Goldilocks’ choices. Heeding the advice of a wise elder or preparing for consequences is an appropriate lesson for all ages. Forgetting all of the advice her mother has given her, Goldilocks travels into the deep woods and disrupts the happy comfort of three unknowing bears. The old fashioned illustrations reflect the same detail that was shown to the written text. The colors are attention-grabbing but simultaneously muted. They seem to reflect an era long passed. This reminds the readers of the true age of the story; but how its lesson is timeless. Aylesworth also uses the size of the text to reveal the size of the character’s voice. Heeding advice and curbing curiosity is a valuable lesson every generation. It is brought to life once again in this charming book.

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