Saturday, February 23, 2008

Module 3: The Bakery Lady

Mora, Pat. 2001. The Bakery Lady. Illus. by Pablo Torrecilla. Piñata Books: Houston, TX. ISBN 1-55885-343-X.

Young Mónica learns the importance of allowing one’s family to assist in this dual language picture book. Mónica desires to be a bakery lady. Her wish comes true when she finds the Christ Child doll in the bread at the Feast of the Three Kings. As the tradition dictates, Mónica will host a fiesta for her friends and family. She insists that she will bake for the party without the assistance of her grandparents and brothers. As Mónica begins to bake, she realizes the hard work this entails and reluctantly allows Abuelo, Abuela, Gilbert and José to help. The successful fiesta helps Mónica to realize that family is a support, and assistance does not mean that one is not competent. This familial warmth is felt in the colorful watercolor illustrations. Readers can sense the joy and love that this family feels for one another. These illustrations face the reader. This invites the reader into the family to watch the story unfold. The illustrations and text avoid stereotype. This family acts like any other. The Spanish-English text increases the number of readers that can enjoy this touching story. Family transcends ethnicity and language.

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